Super late to the party! I loved my J pouch but ultimately gave it up and have an ileo. I had a lot of issues in my rectal area and having my J pouch removed and butt sewn up was the best decision ever to end the rectal discomfort. I have had an ileo since 2019 and I am having lots of issues with hydration and decreased renal function. I have a loop ileo, so I have an appointment next month to see if an end ileo could possibly help. I don’t know how much small intestine I have left so that is another questionable factor. I hope your surgery went well! I am definitely in the camp of getting the J pouch removed and the butt sewn shut. I had a temp ileo with my J pouch in place from 2016-2019 and the mucus discharge was no fun. My rectal issues could have added to this. I had a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic and recovery went amazingly well. I was sitting on hard surfaces in no time which was such a plus since I had fistulas and spent a lot of time sitting on pillows prior to my surgery. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks!!