I purchased a 60 CC syringe that is in a plastic container/case. There was a cap on this container/case to keep the syringe in when I purchased it (this container contours the syringe). I glued the top onto the bottom of the container so that it could stand up. I then fill the container before going into the stall. When I'm in the stall I fill up the syringe with the amount I need. I don't kneel down but I try to direct the catheter down ward as much as possible. I keep the syringe as close as possible to irrigate. I've heard recently that one site sells catheter extension tubes for Medena 30 FR. I will be looking into that. I was instructed to drink 10-12 cups of water/day. That keeps things flowing most times. But I was also instructed to irrigate as well. But sometimes esp. if things are flowing fine, or I forget to, I don't. I do try to irrigate though.
Do you mean a disposable enema bottle or an enema bulb? It sounds like a disposable enema bottle. Either way that sounds a little less troublesome. The syringe sometimes gets difficult to use as the rubber deteriorates with age. I think I will try the disposable enema bottle sometime.
Thank you for the information. Mary