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Reply to "Going at work or public bathroom"

Yup, I saw him...And he opened a whole new can of peas and carrots...instead of findind a solution to my pain in the hips/joints etc he found a 'serious narrowing then dialation of the left iliac artery followed by another narrowing'...which essentially means that there is some sort of aneurysm there...

So now I am waiting for the ultrasound of the artery to tell me if it is a birth defect, the result of some past surgery or inflamation or a ticking bomb.

The treatment possibilities range from 1. wait and watch, 2. meds, 3. stent or graft it. Still waiting for the appt...which means that maybe it is not that serious (please tell my brain that!)

Not quite what I was anticipating when I made the appt...

My whole life feels like it has been kicked upside down....I am trying my annual week with hubby to some place hot, beachy and close...then I panic and ask what if???? What if it explodes while I am away? What if I am walking up or down a foreign street or in a plane and it disects? 

So, instead of booking and going I am stressing and fretting....

And still life goes on.


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