used entyvio for pouchitis control, which helped along with strict diet of no refined sugar, and lowFODMAP foods. after a year it simply wasn't effective and i needed to resume antibiotics. bummer. i'll have k pouch surgery in nov as 15 years of the j not working is simply too much. am refactory to most of the antibiotics.
i have very thin perianal skin, which results in intense stinging from certain foods--hot spices, garlic/onions, and other such foods. often i would get up at 3 am and sit in the bath tub or apply both hot and cold compresses. ugh. i think the thin skin resulted from either/or all: prednisone, cortifoam, cortisone/lidocaine ointment applied into the anal canal. talked to docs before hand about the side effects and the docs all blew those warnings off. now i have the problem. so be very careful as to how much you use of these powerful drugs!!
one drug without side effects is canasa suppositories, which is very effect for cuffitis. i'd try that before any of the others. it also helped with pouchitis. use up to 3 a day, each 1 g.
so sorry to hear about your hair falling out. bizarre. i have tingling in hands and feet, sometimes like an electrical current going through them. not sure what the half-life of entivio is. anybody know that? jlh