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considering getting a J-Pouch

While I'm just now considering getting a j-pouch, I've been without a colon for 35 years.  in 1980, at age 21 I had a bad case of UC, and my entire colon was removed.  Back then, I don't believe the j-pouch was a common solution - I was simply hooked up directly.  As a result not having my colon, I sometimes can go up to 3 hours between bowl movements, but probably average 20 BMs per day (sometimes 5 minutes apart).  The worst part of my condition is the sense of urgency I many times have - thankfully my sphincter has been strong.  As you can imagine, this has impacted my life style for all of my adult male life.  Currently, I'm health, fit (5'10" and 180 pounds), and active. As I look forward the next 25+ years, I'm concerned that my condition isn't sustainable, and if a j-pouch can improve my quality of life now and into the future, I should take the leap. 


Questions that I have for the group:

1)  I assume that many of the issues I've read about folks having with diet and loose stools I'm already dealing with - probably worse.  Is my assumption correct?  Are there new issues that a j-pouch introduces that I'm probably not experiencing now?  e.g., I'm unfamiliar with pouchitis.

2)  I've heard that some percent of folks have internal leakage problems - how likely is this?  How does this get corrected?

3)  I understand that I will likely have to do the surgery in two stages - I have no idea what to expect with my time during phase one - is there always a bag attached?  how often does it have to be emptied?  etc.?

4)  I briefly chatted with a surgeon at a local CCFA conference here in the DFW area, and he mentioned it would likely be a hybrid surgery - part open me up, part robots.  How have others had there pouch installed?

5)  What is the recovery time - both just up and moving around, and when I will be confident in social/public situations - both after 1st and 2nd surgeries.  

6)  what other concerns should I have?


Sorry for the long posting, but after 35 years of the status quo, make this change is a big step for me.  Thank you for anything you can share.  

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