Exciting times ahead at college! First of all, I would have enjoyed my college experience if I had already had my J-Pouch instead of active UC, so hopefully you're already better off.
1. Register with the school's disability support services office, if they have it. Then you can request accommodations for things like leaving during an exam for the restroom, or getting an extension if you need it. If your school doesn't have that, get a note from your doctor and communicate with all your professors, advisors, etc.
2. Find a student group or friends you can talk openly with. A lot of schools have a student group dedicated to those with IBD and/or chronic illness. If not, you can start one!
3. Find what works for your diet and be unapologetic about keeping it.
4. Stress is real factor for all college students, but for someone dealing with chronic inflammation it is especially important to stay healthy and keep stress at a minimum. For me that was:
-exercise (Swimming and biking are great even when your pouch is upset)
-staying active spiritually and in my faith community
-investing in meaningful relationships
Best wishes!