Its frustrating dealing with health issues. I haven't been on this site in years but felt the need to respond to your message.
I have chronic iron deficient anemia. I have FAP and my polyps were found in 1998 when I was 35 yrs old. I had a total colectomy with a temporary stoma. My reversal was done 2 months later, successfully. 2 years later I had to have my gallbladder removed. The next 2 years, my GYN followed me very closely (at my request) . I was having menstrual migraines 9 days every month. My pelvic pain was excruciating and I was bleeding every month from my vagina and butt. I had different tests done and my GI surgeon (was a blessing) decided a total hysterectomy was needed. So I was 39 years old and my GI did lead on my surgery with the GYN attending. What they found was totally surprising. In the 4 years that I had my J-Pouch, I had 2 large cysts one on each ovary and the cysts were attached to my J-Pouch. It took the GI over 4 hours to unattach the cysts from my pouch so the GYN could do the total hysterectomy.
With all that being said, The total hysterectomy worked great for me. I do have 2 children I had in my 20's. Obviously I went directly in to menopause which is par for the course and lasted 10 years but I survived and so did my husband lol.
My JPouch is 26 yrs old. I also get iron infusions but not like you. Usually every couple of years. I feel the hysterectomy helped me.
I apologize if this is long and I hope this helps you. Just always keep in mind that YOU know your body better than anyone and you are not a statistic. Advocate for yourself and your health and never accept anything less. No one will do this for you, unfortunately.
Stay strong, keep your chin up and live your best life. I believe in you.
By the way, I had all my surgeries at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.
Take care.