If my surgery went the way it was supposed to in a 2 step laparoscopic I would of not needed a blood transfusion at all. The reason I got a unit of blood is because I needed an emergency surgery which had to be open in between my two surgeries due to a twisted intestine and I started leaking bile into my body my whole right side was green. That wasn't to scare you that was a very rare situation but that is the only reason I needed a transfusion because they opened me up and I lost a lot more blood and was in the ICU. After all my surgeries were done and I was home my red blood count was consistently at 7.5 and they wouldn't infuse me that is supposed to be a normal number after surgery and that is half of what it should be. I wouldn't be worried but I sure would ask my surgeon as many questions as possible so you understand everything. Good luck.