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Bathroom Smells and Sounds while dating

Help! Recently I was moving my daughter into an apartment with roomates and I was not willing to go to the bathroom there. Had to drive to convenience stores. Now, entering a totally new life because of divorce after 40 years together. Have been working on the grieving and lots of stuff, and am now dating a kind person, who didn't go through all the Jpouch stuff with me. Honestly I can't even hardly breath when I go poo. It's such a strong smell and it lingers, and I am so embarrassed. What do you all do for smell? And also the strange loud noises because of the gas bursts between the more solid formed bms? This is something I'd like to make less bad, because I know normal people leave smells in the bathroom, just not like open sewer lines. Covering it with air freshener would just make it worse.

I know he'll understand, but that's not the issue. I am horrified by it. Also, because of all the weirdness at the anus, keeping clean is on the top of my agenda, but peices of TP or wipes seem to hang around. I don't want to have to take a shower right before everytime I see him. Its not realistic. OK - SMELL, NOISE, CLEANLINESS without paper remnants. Portible bidet not realistic out in public, but I know someone was going to suggest that. Thanks everyone. I really need you for this!!

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