Hi all - I'm new to this group and I'm sorry to see that there are so many unsatisfactory outcomes here.
I had a j-pouch procedure for UC done in 1986 and have had pretty much every complication over time - pouchitis, obstructions, fistula. About a month ago, after being unable to pass much of anything, I was diagnosed with a "floppy pouch". Dr Shen at Columbia did a scope and inserted some bands but there's really been no improvement in my situation. Like many of you, I'm miserable - just cramped and fatigued all the time, unable to eat or sleep much. I'm supposed to begin biofeedback, but I'm pretty skeptical about it.
Have any of you that have dealt with this problem had a successful outcome? If so, what worked? Meds, surgery, exercise, biofeedback, just the passage of time? I'm hoping for some encouragement!
J-pouch 86 in NY