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Reply to "Anesthesia required for a "Flex sig" exam?"

My first scope was done with two Valium. Ha. Didn't do a thing for me. I was so miserable and tore up down there... It was not a pleasant experience but I didn't know. I thought everyone did it this way. I hated going to the GI hated it back then.
The second time was at the same GI... Two more Valium.. as I waited I could hear others getting upper scopes and I could hear gagging coming from closed doors. I went to use the bathroom and the toilet was overflowed from someone else so I went back to my room and sat a minute and looked at the dirty floors and thought for another minute.... I put my clothes on and walked out and never went back to that GI.
No... No regrets either.
I found the best most considerate GI. He is retired now.
But he was the best. Attitude and professional. Straight up no BS with you and I liked that.
After that I had at least 8 more scopes over the years... and now this is with my colon.... And I was pleasantly sedated at each one. Would not do it without it. I sure as heck do not want to watch it on TV!.... Now I even want the mild sedation for my pouch cause usually I am having a problem down there and I have monkey butt as I say. Digital exams are bad enough with monkey butt! And I think all know what I mean when I say that.
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