Honors and Memorials
By David Cherry
For all the care and kindness they share with others
By Holly
I am thankful for the support I have received from everyone here.
By a grateful friend
For being a huge supporter to all that roam the j-pouch.org boards and enter the chat room.
By a grateful friend
For your compassion, wisdom and humor. You bring peace and inspiration to many!
God Bless!
By Tim's family and friends
In Honor of Tim Liello
Gotcha! Happy 1 year with your J-Pouch! This is only the beginning of your new life colitis-free. We are so proud of how far you have come. We love you!
By Tracey
In Honor of Judy Exxware
For understanding and supporting in a way that family and other friends couldn't...Thank you!
By Darren S. Cecchini
In Honor of My wife
who was by my side every moment. To my family & friends who encouraged me and helped me to see the future. Finally, to my j-pouch friends who continue to give me their support. Only we can understand
By Dawn McClelland
In Honor of All who suffer from IBD
I just want to say how thankful I am for my wonderful, supportive husband. Iam very thankful for this site. It has definitely educated me and calmed my fears.
By Kay and Dan Israelite
In Honor of University of Chicago Nursing staff, floors 4NE & 5NE
For providing us with complete confidence in the quality of health care received during multiple hospital stays for ulcerative colitis and j-pouch surgery. For providing excellent care by invoking high standards of professionalism, responsiveness and attentiveness...THANK YOU!!!.
By Beth Greene
In Honor of Friendship
In Support of and with heartfelt gratitude to all my J-Pouch friends.
By Brenda Toto (Nicky's mom)
In Honor of Nicholas Toto
I would like to say how proud I am of my 6 year old son, Nicky. He had the J-Pouch surgery about 1 year ago after a short but severe bout of UC. Having seen how brave he has been through this makes me proud of him and makes me appreciate him and love him all the more!
In Honor of Cindy Foust
"In my lifetime I have known Heroes"
By Connie McLennon
In Honor of Thomas
...and all the children who suffer from IBD.
By DragonPack.com
In Honor of Our Hero: Aaron
Thanks for all you do! DragonPack.com IBD support http://www.dragonpack.com/forums
If you are interested in supporting this website, please send a check or money order to: The J-Pouch Group P.O.Box 434 Hatboro, PA 19040-0434 If you would like to include some words for the HONORS page: In Honor of ...along with your name, please do so and we will post them as well.