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Since April of 1998, The J-Pouch Group website has offered information and support to those who were facing surgery to remove their colon. Using the World Wide Web allowed us to extend the network of support and information worldwide in order to reach people who otherwise might not have access to this information. We hoped that in providing education, patients and family members could make a more informed decision about surgery.

We are pleased that the J-Pouch group has grown beyond any expectations and has become a community of support, comfort and education. Currently we receive over 2,000,000 views per month. With the amount of commitment and energy conveyed by this group, we believe the J-Pouch group has the potential to do more to reach further and provide outreach to even more individuals.

Up until 2000 the site has been run entirely from my own funds.

The J-Pouch Group needs your help!


At this time please consider a donation to the J-Pouch Group.

All donations will be used to maintain the J-Pouch Group website and support j-pouch patients. We will have a listing of our donors. If you would like to include some words :
In Honor of ...along with your name, please do so and we will post them as well.

If you are interested in supporting this website, please send a check or money order to:

The J-Pouch Group
2205 Pemberton Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Or, Click on the link below to donate via a major credit card

Advertising policy

The J-Pouch Group website accepts advertising banners in exchange for a donation.

The J-Pouch Group website subscribes to theHONcode honesty in advertising & editorial policy.
Advertising and other promotional material will be presented to viewers in a manner and context that facilitates differentiation between it and the original material created by the institution operating the site.

We currently limit the banners to four sponsors.

Honors and Memorials
